Meet The Staff

James Moore - CEO and Owner
"I’d like to say that I’ve been in love with the bicycle ever since the trainings wheels came off but I honestly don’t think I ever owned a bike with training wheels. I do remember being pushed up to speed and then wobbling until I learned how to keep my hands and knees off the asphalt. Different folks benefit in different ways from cycling. Some like the social aspect or the adrenaline rush of competition, but I’ve always relied on the power of cycling to help me better hear the voice within. Someone once said that the best ride is one that takes your mind to a place it’s never been before. I tend to agree." James rides a 1980's Mongusta road bike.
Jenny Moore - Manager
Hi, I'm Jenny. I started working here after high school in 2003. I was first interested in the job becuase I enjoy the mechanics of a bicycle. I also like to see how bicycles transform people. It's not only a form of transportation, it's a lifestyle change. A way to better yourself - physically and mentally. People of all aspects of life ride bicycles, and face it, it's fun! I once earned the Natchez Trace Century Ride Tee-shirt and have travled around the country with my mountain bike. When I'm not riding or working I like to play music with friends and spend time with my son.
Cheyenne - Mechanic & Sales
I moved to Hattiesburg at the beginning of 2021 for college, back when I still thought my highest calling was a lifetime in academia. Six months later I found the shop on a total whim, and I fell in love with it. I found myself completely fascinated by the mechanical aspects of bicycles as well as the ways that such a simple machine can improve every part of people’s lives. The rest is pretty much history. In my spare time, I enjoy dyeing my hair funky colors, collecting mildly magical rocks and card decks, and, of course, riding my bike.
Amber - Sales
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" - Albert Einstein
The first thing you should know about me is that I love my dog! Presleigh is a beagle-lab mix and the best friend that I could have! I enjoy biking in all forms, as well as kayaking. In 2019 I medically retired from the Air Force after 10 years of proudly serving as a military police officer. Due to certain medical conditions ending my military career, I thought finding, and keeping a job would be difficult. That was until I found Moore's Bike Shop. I was worried about my lack of experience when I first started, but found that I was catching on quickly and eager to learn more. I strive to continue to be a dependable and efficient employee, so that I will add value to the shop, and in turn become successful in this field.